Postdoctoral Mid-Morning Coffee Break, Sept 15
Creating a community of postdoctoral researchers at UMBC
The Commons : 328
Date & Time
September 15, 2021, 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Join the Office of Graduate Student and Postdoc Development (GSPD) at UMBC on Wednesday, Sep 15th at 10 AM to catch up with fellow postdocs at UMBC in person! We plan to discuss postdoc appreciation activities, future professional development opportunities, and aim to reestablish connections with current postdocs on campus.
We will be meeting at the Commons Building, Room 328. Face-masks are required to enter the building. Please register if you plan to attend - If needed, we will be limiting the number of persons in the room to keep our safe distance. We will be providing some individually wrapped food and drink for you to enjoy safely after our gathering.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Yarazeth Medina at
We look forward to seeing you there!