Welcome for Underrepresented Scholars at UMBC, UMB and UMD!
Networking event for gradstudents - Pre orientation event!
Welcome for Underrepresented Scholars at UMBC, UMB and UMD! – Online Event
Date & Time
August 18, 2021, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
2021 Welcome for underrepresented graduate students!!!
This event, hosted by PROMISE AGEP program volunteers from across the University System of Maryland, will be held virtually on August 18, 2021 from 1 PM - 3 PM.
If you are looking for a sense of community and you self identify as a member of an underserved community please attend! Welcome to our PROMISE family!
Register here!!!!! (FREE)
What is PROMISE?
PROMISE is the Maryland AGEP, initially founded in 2003 by the National Science Foundation, this program has been serving students from underrepresented backgrounds to aid them to successfully complete their degrees. During the academic year we host events, seminars and workshops to boost professional development of students to better prepare them for a successful career.
About the Welcome event
This program focuses on connecting graduate students, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds currently working towards their higher education degrees (masters, doctoral degree, professional studies). We aim to provide guidance and tools to ensure your success in completing your degree and create a sense of community during your tenure in grad school.
We have Dr. Canessa Swanson and Dr. Alexis Williams who will be sharing some insights about their graduate experience! You will be paired with peers from the same areas of research from different institutions and you will have the opportunity to meet staff and administrators from your institution.
The event is funded in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR), Division of Human Resource Development (HRD). NSF AGEP HRD Awards: University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) (1820984), University of Maryland College Park (UMCP) (1820975), University of Maryland at Baltimore (UMB) (1820983), and Salisbury University (SU) (1820971), and Towson University (TU) (1820974), and the Division of Engineering Education and Centers NSF EEC Awards: University of California, Davis (2051599), University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) (1734741).
We hope you can join us! Please register in advance here.
If you need any special accommodations or have questions please reach to Yarazeth Medina at yarazeth@umbc.edu.
Dr. Robin Cresiski & Yarazeth Medina