TA Orientation for New Teaching Assistants
TA Orientation for New Teaching Assistants – Online Event
Date & Time
August 25, 2020, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
This event is highly encouraged for all NEW Graduate Teaching Assistants. We encourage the additional participation of any graduate student who may be teaching in the future or as a refresher for returning TAs.
This year, we are condensing need-to-know information for new TAs into a brief orientation on August 25th, 2-3:30pm. It will include an introduction to key resources on campus that you may need throughout your semester, from back-end technical support to counseling services for students you think may need assistance. We will record the session for those unable to attend; a link to the recording will be available upon request. We look forward to meeting you and being part of your welcome back to UMBC!
Invited Speakers:
Akriti Anand, Graduate Assistant Advisory Committee (GAAC), Graduate Student Association (GSA)
Ever Hanna, Training and Case Manager in the Office of Equity and Inclusion (will be speaking about Title IX training and conflict resolution)
Jamie Gurganis, PhD Director of Engineering Education and Instructor in Mechanical Engineering (will be speaking about CIRTL certification)
Thomas Penniston, PhD Analytics Specialist, Instructional Technology, Division of Information Technology (will be talking about instructional technology)
Tawny L. McManus, Assistant Vice Provost for Accessibility & Disability Services (will be speaking about accommodations)
Dr. Alayna Berkowitz, Assistant Director of Outreach and Mental Health Promotion (will be speaking about how to address students in distress)
An invitation to our WebEx event will be shared the day before the event via email with registered participants. Please click the "Going" button below to register for this event.
For questions or concerns please contact Yarazeth Medina at yarazeth@umbc.edu.