PROF-it Series: Unraveling Reliable Evidence √ § Ͼ *
Active Learning & Information Literacy
Engineering : 102
Date & Time
February 8, 2018, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Do your students have difficulty forming research questions? Do they struggle to evaluate sources of information for credibility? Come to this teaching demonstration and learn techniques from teaching librarians as they demonstrate active learning approaches to help students enhance their ability to do research. Presenters include library staff members Joanna Gadsby and Katy Sullivan.
Lunch will be provided to all registered participants, please click “I Can Attend” below to reserve your seat for this session. Please email to note any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, food allergies, etc.) by Thursday, February 1. The deadline to register for this event is the earlier of Thursday, February 1 or when the event reaches capacity. Please email to be added to a wait list if the event is full. If you have registered and find that you can no longer attend, please kindly release your spot so that others may attend.
* Part of Provost's New Faculty Lunch series - all faculty are welcome to attend
√ Counts toward ALIT Certificate
§ Counts towards INNOVATE Certificate
Ͼ CIRTL graduate students are invited to attend
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP here: