PROF-it Series: Crafting Effective Writing Assignments
Create writing assignments to deepen understanding
Engineering : 102
Date & Time
September 12, 2017, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Join FDC and Writing Center staff to learn how to create writing assignments that scaffold students’ writing skills, deepen their understanding and connection to the subject at hand, and prepare them to adapt these skills to other situations. We'll explore ways to help students focus on the writing process with special attention to guiding students towards effective use of the Writing Center. Lunch is provided.
* Part of Provost's New Faculty Lunch series - all faculty are welcome to attend
√ Counts toward ALIT Certificate
§ Counts towards INNOVATE Certificate
Ͼ CIRTL graduate students are invited to attend
* Part of Provost's New Faculty Lunch series - all faculty are welcome to attend
√ Counts toward ALIT Certificate
§ Counts towards INNOVATE Certificate
Ͼ CIRTL graduate students are invited to attend
Please RSVP on the Faculty Development Center page: