Summer Horizons 2017
Preparing for Graduate School! Application, GRE, Funding...
The Commons : Sport Zone
Date & Time
June 30, 2017, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
UMBC will host the Summer Horizons 2017 program for undergraduate students and others who are interested in learning more about graduate school admission, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. The 3-hour workshop will feature sessions on the application timeline, GRE, Statement of Purpose, Recommendation Letters, and other topics related to preparing for graduate school. There will be a panel hosted by current graduate students, and the keynote speaker will be the President of UMBC, Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski, III.
(Read about Dr. Hrabowski in Time Magazine: 10 Best College Presidents, World’s 100 Most Influential People. See Dr. Hrabowski talk about UMBC on 60 Minutes. Watch Dr. Hrabowski’s TED Talk.) Summer Horizons is co-sponsored by PROMISE AGEP and the Meyerhoff Graduate Fellows Program. The chair for the 2017 Summer Horizons program is Justine Johnson, Associate Director for the Meyerhoff grad program.
2017 Summer Horizons Program
- Friday, June 30, 2017
- The 2017 program will begin at 9:20 AM and will end at 12 noon. (Registration and Seating will begin at 9:00)
- Commons Building, 2nd Floor, Sport Zone
- Light breakfast and lunch will be served.
- This event is FREE to the public but (participants must register).
9:00 - 9:20 a.m
- Registration
9:20 a.m.
- Welcome
- Yarazeth Medina, Coordinator for Graduate Student Development and Postdoctoral Affairs, The Graduate School
- Justine Johnson, Associate Director, Meyerhoff Graduate Fellows Program
- Sundiata Jangha, Director of Upward Bound Mathematics and Science Center
9:40 a.m.
- Preparing for Graduate Study: Timelines and Choices
- K. Jill Barr, J.D. , Sr. Assistant Dean of Graduate Enrollment, The Graduate School
- Gay Warshaw, Manager, Recruitment and Admissions, The Graduate School
10:00 a.m.
- Elements of the Graduate School Application: GRE, Transcripts, Letters of Recommendation, Statement of Purpose
- Dr. Renetta Tull, Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Student Development & Postdoctoral Affairs, Director of PROMISE: Maryland's AGEP
10:30 a.m.
- Understanding Graduate School – Panel of Graduate Students
- Timothy Munuhe, PhD student, Mechanical Engineering Department
- Denise Williams, PhD student, Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
- Nopondo Ndoh Esemoto, PhD student, Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
- Ana Maldonado, PhD student, Psychology Department
11:00 a.m.
- Introduction: Dr. Renetta Tull, Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Student Development & Postdoctoral Affairs, Director of PROMISE: Maryland's AGEP
- Motivational Talk by Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, President, UMBC
The 2017 Summer Horizons program is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about UMBC and the graduate admissions process. The graduate school preparation material that we will present is applicable to most U.S. institutions. Faculty and staff may invite prospective students to this event. Visitors from out-of-town are welcome to attend. Invitations are extended to:
- All UMBC undergraduate students
- As part of the PROMISE Pathways project, undergraduate and master's students from schools within the University System of Maryland (USM) have a special invitation to attend
- Students from all summer programs within the DC/Maryland/Virginia (DMV) region
- Students from NSF programs such as LSAMP, AGEP, NSF ERC, RDE etc., at any school
- McNair programs at any school.
- Students from organizations such as SHPE, SACNAS, NSBE, and AISES at any school in the country are welcome to attend.
- Students from any college or university, who are either local or will travel the distance to learn more about graduate school.
- We also invite professionals who are considering returning to graduate school for an advanced degree.
This program is free, but participants must register.
Summer Horizons is co-sponsored by PROMISE: Maryland's AGEP, The Meyerhoff Graduate Biomedical Fellows Program, and The Graduate School at UMBC. For additional resources, including access to funding opportunities: Please visit the Institute for Broadening Participation's website, "Pathways to Science," and fill out the form in the left corner: The website has information on a variety of opportunities, which include as an example, a wealth of information on funding and internships through NASA: Our student participants have taken advantage of this resource in the past, and several have had offers for great opportunities. _________________________________________________________________________
Directions and Parking:
Google maps link:
UMBC Commons Driving Directions
Please use the Stadium Parking lot. Stadium Parking Lot directions
We will be providing free dashboard parking passes. We will put the instructions and the document on this page.
Update: 6/5/17 - Those attending the event from outside campus please print the following parking pass and display it on your front dashboard. This parking pass is exclusively for Stadium Parking Lot. The use of the pass is for those attending the event and is distribution is illegal.
Metered visitor parking is available in the Commons Garage. To get to the Commons Garage, circle around Hilltop Circle (either direction) until you reach Commons Drive. Take Commons Drive toward the center of the campus. The garage will be on your left. The meters are on the first floor. For more parking spaces please refer to UMBC parking map.
- UMBC President Named In Time Magazine's Top 100 Most Influential People (
- Reading material: Tull, R. G., Nino, M. and Ramoutar, N. (2012). Preparing for Engineering and Other STEM Graduate/Post-Graduate Masters and Doctoral Programs. [Spanish Version of Section 4 here: Preparación para Programas de Maestría y Doctorado]
Partial sponsorship for this program has been provided by the National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: AGEP - T: PROMISE AGEP Maryland Transformation # 1309290, PROMISE: Maryland's Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP). Read more about PROMISE:
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