Finding and Securing a Computing Education Postdoc
AiiCE Identity & Computing Lecture Series
Date & Time
April 16, 2024, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Event hosted by the AIICE Alliance for Identity Inclusive Computing Education, Associated with the NSF INCLUDES National Network
AiiCE Identity & Computing Lecture Series
Computing education postdoc positions are difficult to find; on top of that, postdoc positions are perceived as challenging. In this session, the three current AiiCE postdocs share their experiences with finding, applying to, securing, and working as computing education postdoctoral researchers.
Aspiring postdocs and mentors can expect to learn more about what it means to be a computing education postdoc and how mentoring can make or break the experience. Our short presentation will be followed by a Q&A session where all your burning questions are answered.
Please register by clicking on the link to attend this Zoom session. (REGISTRATION REQUIRED VIA LINK).