PROMISE Engineering Alumni Speaker Series: Dr. Hughens Jean
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Information Technology/Engineering : ITE 238
PROMISE Engineering Alumni Speaker Series: Dr. Hughens Jean – Online Event
Date & Time
February 25, 2022, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
PROMISE Engineering Alumni Series:
Friday, February 25 at 2:00 PM
Hyflex event, hosted online via WebEx and in person on ITE 238.
Dr. Hughens Jean currently serves as a machine learning engineer at google.
Dr. Hughens obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UMBC! Go Retrievers! Come and learn about his personal journey, his grad school do's and don'ts., career pathway, current position, and research interest.
Who should attend this event?
- Students pursuing a STEM degree
- Graduate students and postdocs at UMBC
- Students from underrepresented backgrounds or underserved communities
- People interested in pursuing an academic career
About Dr. Hughens on his own words:
In 2005, after graduating from UMBC undergrad, I went to see Dean Rutledge in her office. I wanted a recommendation letter for Philips, the makers of Hue smart bulbs, in Atlanta. She advised me to stay in school and go for a PhD. I went from a BS in computer engineering to a Masters of Science in EE, worked at NASA, wrote two patents, multiple scientific papers, and eventually a PhD in CS with Dean Rutledge as my co-advisor. She introduced me to Dr. Renetta Tull, my PROMISE mentor. My UMBC PhD mentor,Dr. Timothy Oates, created I worked there. We wrote two papers:
- “Immigration Document Classification and Automated Response Generation” with the CTO of Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP, 2020. I worked on OCR.
- “Computer vision supported pedestrian tracking: A demonstration on trail bridges in rural Rwanda” with Bridge to Prosperity, 2020.
I wrote the algorithm. We count people crossing bridges.
I’m currently a software and machine learning engineer at Google. My core work includes the creation of a hybrid video solution platform that enables the building of large AI centric video analytics applications at scale.
I live with my wife Winnie (IBMer) in Pittsburgh, PA, and the Google Bakery Square office 2 connects with that of Philips.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday, February 25, at 2:00 PM in person or online.
If you need special accommodations or have questions, please contact PROMISE staff at